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Burning Heart: White Lilies

  Burning Heart

  White Lilies

  Mandy Adler

  Amanda Adler

  Copyright © 2017 Amanda Adler

  All rights reserved.





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  This book in this series is for all the people that grew up with hardships. I grew up, and still battle with dyslexia. I always loved writing and reading, but never dreamed I would ever be able to write my own books with as much trouble as I had in that area. Reading was a challenge as a child. I saw my letters backward and the words were always garbled. I stuttered when forced to read aloud. But I loved it. So, I spent every spare moment reading, mastering what was so difficult for me.

  I still have some troubles; editing, for example, is difficult for me, I don’t always catch everything; so thank you for being patient with me. I’m doing what I love most and it is an indescribable feeling.

  So, my word to you is; never give up, never let anyone tell you that you can’t do it, always reach for the stars, for the unattainable. Try your hardest and surround yourself with the people that believe in you. You can do that one thing you always wanted to do, no matter what it is. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Be who you want to be, do what you want to do. Prove to the people who don’t believe in you, wrong. Prove to the people who are always rooting for you right. Most importantly; believe in yourself. If you do that… you can do anything. Don’t let that belief waver, always believe in yourself even when it seems impossible. When you’re ready to give up because it becomes too hard… reach deep and try even harder. You got this, whatever this may be… you can do it.

  Thank you for being a part of my dreams… now make sure you shine bright on your own.

  Thank you to my mother; who never complained about books lying everywhere or my reading in the car, planes, dinner table, outside, anywhere I could. Thank you for spending so much on books throughout the years, for encouraging me. Thank you for putting me in after school reading lessons after I came home crying from being made fun of in second grade. Thank you for the love of the very thing I hated at first. Thank you.

  Thank you to my husband; who sat me in front of my first laptop years ago and encouraged me to write. You told me just to write what I wanted and if it never came into anything that was okay, at least I could say I did it and loved it. Thank you for putting up with me staying up endless nights or having to repeat what you said ten times because I was zoned. Thank you for being the person that said I could do it when I doubted myself, I needed that. Thank you for still doing all that.

  Thank you to my mother-in-law; thank you for being the first person to read my book all the way through. Thank you for being so excited for me and for loving it enough to tell me to write another. It means a lot to have the support I do and you’re a big part of it.

  And finally, thank you to my children; thank you for not complaining about the occasional microwave dinners. Thank you for being so excited, even though the youngest may not have really known what was going on. Thank you for being my children and giving me the inspiration to write for young adults and children. Thank you for reminding me when I have zoned out for too long. Thank you to my teenager for being so excited you ran and told all your friends. That meant a lot, to know I made you proud. Thank you to my middle son for being so excited and letting me hug you extra-long. Thank you to my baby for always making me laugh when I’m down with writer’s block. I love you boys, thank you for being my children.

  Enough of the sappy, let’s get to the story…


  “Well, mom. I am doing better now.” I look down at the grave we had just placed flowers on, lilies were her favorite; hence my name.

  “I still miss you every day, but I’m living my life now.” I let out a sigh. “I wish you would have told me all this. I think it would have made everything easier. Dad and I don’t talk anymore, and I don’t know what to do about it. I didn’t know you were buried here or I would have come to see you sooner. Zach said all of the pack members are buried here.” I looked over at my mate, who was sitting at the graves of his parents. “It was his idea to come today. I think you would have liked him. He’s really trying to help me through everything.” I ran my hand through the grass. “I don’t know what to say. I wish you were here, I miss our talks. There’s still so much I don’t know. I graduated yesterday. Dad was there but didn’t say anything to me, takes time I guess. But I’m on my own now… well not really, I have Zach and the pack. But I really don’t fit in yet. He just told me about all the other things that are out there. I mean vampires, mages, witches, faeries… this all just seems so unreal. Sometimes I think I’m going to just wake up and we’ll be back at home. But then I wouldn’t have Zach, and I really do love him.” I felt a tear fall and swiped it away before Zach came running over, he never likes to see me upset. “I made a friend. Her name is Abby and I think you would have loved her. I’m trying to talk Zach into letting me tell her what we are, but he’s stubborn.” I let a small laugh out. “I’ll keep working on him though. I guess I just wanted to tell you; you don’t have to worry about me anymore, I’m okay. I’m working through all the issues I have, but I think everyone has some issues of their own. I have a lot of people that care about me here, I am finally beginning to feel like this is my home. I just miss you, and I can only hope as you’re watching, that I’m making you proud.”

  “You ready? Or do you still need some more time?” Zach asked gently from behind me. I didn’t even hear him walk up, darn wolf stealth.

  “I’m ready. I’ll come back soon mom. Until next time, I miss and love you every day, always.”

  Chapter One


  The coffee shop was small but quaint. I smiled as I watched Abby bounce in, grinning as always. I’m sure there was also a wolf or two in here somewhere, Zach never lets me go anywhere unprotected lately. Something big was happening but he wasn’t letting me in on it yet.

  “Hey, Lily Bug!” Abby chirped as she sat across from me.

  “Morning Abs.” Her spikey hair was dyed a hot pink at the spikey tips, a new color for her. I liked it, though it’s growing out and droops at the ends now. “Nice color.”

  She laughed. “Something new and different. I’m eighteen now, so the foster parentals kicked me out.”

  She acted fine with it, but I could see the tightening around her eyes. She was scared. And Zach was going to kill me. I couldn’t let her be scared alone.

  “Hey listen…” I hesitated, but there was no way I could leave my best friend homeless. “There are some things we need to talk about.” I glanced around the room and caught Kyle’s eyes as he gave me a subtle shake of his head. He was a wolf in the pack, I had spoken to him a few times and he seemed nice enough. But he was loyal to Zach, he would tattle in a second. “You want to come stay with me for a while? I’ll talk to Zach, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” He would, but he would also get over it.

  “Really?” Tears shimmered in her eyes and I was glad I had offered. I would take the heat from Zach and argue why I had to tell her about us, I needed her friendship. I wasn’t as submissive anymore, I’m getting better every day. But I still didn’t have many friends within the pack. I still wasn’t quite one of them, but I was getting there.

��There’s… there’s something I need to tell you to…” I watched as she fidgeted nervously.

  What could Abby possibly have to tell me that she would be nervous about? She could never say anything that would make us not be friends. First things first, I had to ditch the guard so we could talk, before Zach came barreling in...


  “Okay, thanks, Kyle.” I was going to strangle her. We had been arguing about this for months and she was still going to tell Abby about us. I understood why she wanted to, but she ditched her damn guard that is supposed to keep her safe. Stubborn girl.

  James was laughing, making me want to hit him. “Hey, at least she’s not the scared little pup she was a few months back.”

  He was right of course. She still panicked around fire, but she was getting better. And she could go toe to toe with me now. She was coming out her submissive nature, just as I knew she would. But in times like these I almost wished she would just obey me… almost.

  “She ditched Kyle. I still haven’t told her about the connection between the mages and her mother’s death.” I ran a hand through my hair. “Thomas said he may have found a connection; a reason the Mages went after Lily’s mom, I’m waiting for him now.”

  “You want me to track down the girls?” James asked. I knew he would protect her, he saw her as a little sister and loved her for it. I wanted to go out and find her myself, my wolf knew no one could protect her better than us. But I had to talk to Thomas.

  I nodded once. “Take Kyle with you. Ask him how one human female and my mate managed to get past him. He said Lil asked Abby to stay here, I’m going to have her a room fixed up. It’s not ideal, but Lily will get her way anyways. Might as well go ahead and try to avoid any conflict with the pack.”

  He let out a bark of laughter. “This is going to be fun.”

  I shook my head as he headed out to hunt down my mate. She was a handful, but a blessing all the same. She was the heart this pack had needed for a long time, and they were warming up to her quicker than I thought they would.

  There was a quick knock on the door before Thomas walked in. He met my eyes briefly before baring his throat. I nodded and he sat in the chair across from me.

  “It took me awhile but I think I found the connection.” I nodded for him to continue. “I looked into her mother and couldn’t find any reason the mages would be after her. But then I started considering Jim.” He took a breath before looking back up at me and I knew it was going to be bad. “It seems he comes from a line of water mages. I don’t know if he knows or not, but it seems Jim is dormant. But sometimes it skips a generation. That could mean…”

  “They were after Lily, not Bree.” I finished for him. This was bad, water mages were nearly wiped out by the fires. The waters were gentle by nature, healers in a sense. The complete opposite of the fires. They also had the ability to take the fire from the mages, snuffing out their flame. She was in more danger than I had originally thought.


  “You’re a witch?” What does that mean? I was stunned, I had never expected Abby was anything other than human. She had taken my news in stride and then just blurted out that she was a witch. Zach had said witches could be good or bad, in fact the pack has worked with them in the past. I just knew Abby was a good one, she couldn’t be anything but.

  “Well, I was always doing weird things I couldn’t explain. Then a guy found me a few years ago and explained that I was a witch. He told me of all the things out there and tried to train me.”

  “Where is he now?” I asked, still in shock. I mean my best friend was a witch, small world.

  “I don’t know. I got moved to another foster family shortly after that. I had a feeling about Zach and his pack, the way they acted. And when you moved to town and seemed just as unsure and scared as I was, I knew I had to know you. Please don’t hate me for not telling you sooner, you’re the first person I’ve ever told.”

  “Of course, I don’t hate you!” I leaned in to give her a hug. She gripped me back just as tightly. “I had to keep secrets from you to.” I cut my eyes to movement I glimpsed to my left and laughed. “Speaking of…”

  “You are going to give your mate a heart attack.” James told me jokingly. Kyle was walking behind him solemnly. He cut his eyes to Abby and I watched as his eyes widened. I had forgotten she had made the leaves float to show me what she was and James was now taking a defensive position. “Lily come here.” He nearly growled it out.

  “No!” I yelled before jumping between Abby and Kyle, who had lunged at her, eyes glowing.

  Hit slammed into me and was gone in the next moment. I took a moment to catch my breath and Abby was kneeling beside me talking in soothing tones.

  “Have you lost your tiny little mind mind?!” James growled as he held my guard by the collar of his shirt. “You just attacked your alpha female.” He tossed him a few feet away and eyed Abby and I cautiously.

  “I would never hurt her.” Abby stated defensively. “I’m a witch James. From what I understand they used to work with the packs.”

  James slowly straightened. “Okay. Let’s say I trust you. Why reveal what you are now?”

  “Because I have no one. I aged out of the system. I have nowhere to go and Lily offered me to stay with her, I couldn’t without letting her know what I was first. Come on wolf-boy, you can’t say I’m the most threatening person standing here, I would never hurt her.”

  They stared at each other for a long while before James finally sighed. “We need to talk to Zach. He is the only one that can say if you can stay or not.” He cut his eyes to me and smiled lightly. “Though something tells me he will say yes.”

  Chapter Two


  Zach’s eyes were glowing as he growled words I couldn’t quite make out. He was pacing back and forth in the office. James stood on the right of the desk while Kyle stood at the door. Abby and I were sitting side by side on the couch. Finally, he stopped and stared between Abby and I before walking to stand before us.

  He looked Abby in the eye and she flinched. I started to go to her defense, but he wordlessly stopped me with a hand up. “We once worked alongside witches, allied with them. A few mating bonds and even came from it. So, I am going to give you a chance, just one. Lily loves you and I will not rip you away from her without reason. But if I find out you have been deceitful or any harm comes to her or any of my pack I will not show mercy. Are we clear on this?”

  Abby raised her chin. “We are clear. I would never hurt her or yours.”

  He nodded once before looking over to me. I lowered my eyes at the severity in his gaze. “Leave us now please. James take Abby to her new room, Kyle wait outside. My mate and I need to have a talk.” Once I heard the door click shut I heard him take a deep breath. I felt his finger under my chin, tilting my head up to meet his eyes. “Il mio bel fiore I love you. And I love that you are getting stronger every day. But Kyle is there to guard you, let him. You put yourself in danger today and that is not okay. If anything happened to you, I would lose it.” I started to speak but he put a finger to my lips. “No. Let me finish. We are mated, the bond complete. If you were to die my wolf would take over completely, I’m too dominant for it not to. I would go feral. So please if you will not care to protect yourself, remember that you are also protecting me. Your soul and mine are intertwined, I cannot survive without you. Remember that the next time you evade your guard to runoff on foolish errands. I would have gone with you, you know that. Next time talk to me before running?”

  I sighed, the feeling of guilt sinking in my gut. He was right, he was just trying to keep me safe. I should at least try and let him. “I’m sorry Zach, I didn’t mean to worry you. I just didn’t know if you would let me tell her, and I had to.”

  “Il mio bel fiore, when was the last time I ever really told you no.” He let out a small laugh, making the tension leave my shoulders. “If you haven’t figured this out by now. I am completely, and forever at your whim.” />
  “So, she can stay? Really?” I clapped my hands, unable to hold in my excitement.

  He smiled. “We have to make sure she’s not a threat, but yes she can stay.” He suddenly grew serious. “But there are some things I have to tell you. About the fire your mother died in, and about your dad.”


  She was not taking this like I wanted her to. She was mostly mad I hadn’t told her sooner. Why couldn’t she understand I just wanted to protect her? Her mind couldn’t have handled this kind of news months ago.

  She ran off as soon as I told her about her mother, and about her dad being from a line of water mages. I don’t think it even sank in that it means she has the gene to. I don’t know what that will mean for her, if it’ll will be dormant like her dad. Or if she will have some powers, I don’t know the effect it will have being she is half wolf. And an omega at that.

  “I take it you told her?” James inquired as he walked in and sat across from me. I raise a brow in question. “She kicked me out of Abby’s new room and told me, and I quote; ‘You can go talk to Zach about how keeping secrets from me is a bad idea.’ Now, it didn’t sound like the sweet girl I knew, so I knew she must have found out about everything.” I put my hands over my face. God, this was a mess. “She said she’s not the same fragile girl anymore and doesn’t deserve to be treated like one. You’re in hot water my friend.”

  “Thanks. I may have already known that.” I replied dryly. I know she’s stronger than even she knows, but how do you come out and say that her mother was murdered and her father also has supernatural blood running through his veins, no matter how dormant it may be? “She will calm down in time, then I will go talk to her. Let her have some time with Abby.” I looked up at him. “Did she say anything to you?”